Monday, 5 November 2012

Wheat Gulab Jamun


Wheat Flour  -  1 cup
Milk powder  -  1/4 cup
Maida  -  1/4 cup
Baking powder  -  2 pinch
Sugar  -  1 cup
Milk  -  5tbsp
Cardamom powder  -  1/2 tsp
Water  -  3 cup
Oil  -  2 cup


Take a large bowl and mix wheat flour and maida, milk powder, baking soda and mix it well.
Now add milk and make a dough out of it.
Roll the dough into small balls.
For making sugar syrup, mix in 1 cup sugar with 3 cups of water and heat it in a pan for half an hour in medium flame.
Heat oil in a another pan and fry the balls until they turn brown in color.
Add cardamom powder to the sugar syrup and mix well.
Heat the syrup once again and add the fried balls in it and simmer for 10-12 minutes.
Turn off the heat once all the balls absorb the sugar syrup.
Remove the balls from the syrup.
Serve it hot or cold.

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