Saturday 19 October 2013

Couscous With Almonds and Garlic


Couscous  -  1 cup
Almonds chopped  -  2 tbsp
Tomato chopped  -  1 nos
Parsley chopped  -  1 tsp
Onion chopped  -  1 nos
Garlic chopped  -  2 nos
Olive oil  -  1 tsp
Pepper powder  -  1/2 tsp


Cook the couscous in 11/2 cup of water and keep it aside.
Heat a pan with olive oil and toast almonds until golden color.
Then add chopped tomato, onion, parsley and garlic and saute well.
Then add cooked couscous, required salt and pepper powder fluff it with a fork.
Serve hot.

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