Thursday 5 September 2013

Chickpea Sandwich


Bread of your choice  -  4 nos
Cooked chickpea  -  1/2 cup
Chopped onion  -  1 nos
Chopped tomato  -  1 nos
Chopped capsicum  -  1 nos
Lemon juice  -  1 tsp
Pepper powder  -  1/2 tsp
Olive oil  -  1 tsp
Salt  -  to taste


Put the cooked chickpea a bowl and mash it with a spoon.
Add little salt, pepper powder, lemon juice and olive oil to it and mix well.
Then add the chopped onion, tomato and capsicum in it and mix well.
Spread the above chickpea on the bread and toast it.
Serve with any salad or soup.

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