Tuesday 2 April 2013

Husband's Grapes Orange Punch

Its been quite a long time that I tried something new on juices. So i came up with this juice with some leftover grapes, oranges and ginger.
The reason I names it Husband's Grapes and Orange punch is because my husband loved it so much that he didn't leave a drop for me. :)


Seedless black grapes  -  1 cup
Orange  - 2 nos
Ginger  -  1" piece
Sugar  -  2 tbsp


Put the grapes in a blender with little water and blend it well and strain it. Keep it aside.
Peel the oranges and remove the seeds and blend it well along the ginger with little water and then strain it.
Now take the juice from grapes and orange and pour them again in the blender.
Add sugar and blend well.
Serve chilled.

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