Wednesday 11 December 2013

Oats Buttermilk Porridge


Oats  -  1/2 cup
Buttermilk  -  1 cup
Mustard seeds  -  1/2 tsp
Urad dhal  -  1/4 tsp
Asafoetida  -  1 pinch
Olive oil


Add oats and water in pan.
Stir well and cook well until it is thick.
Allow it to cool down,then add buttermilk and salt to it and mix well.
Heat oil in another pan and add mustard seeds, after it splutters add urad dal and asafoetida.
Add this seasoning to the prepared oats and mix well.

Friday 6 December 2013

Apple Cinnamon Oats Mug Muffin


Oats  -  1/4 cup
Apple finely chopped  -  1/2 apple
Egg white  -  from 1 egg
Cinnamon powder  -  to taste
Powdered sugar or honey  -  to taste
Water  -  1 tbsp


Mix all the ingredients well.
Pour it into a microwave safe coffee mug.
Microwave on high for 1.5 minutes.
Serve hot with apple sauce.

Thursday 5 December 2013

Chappathi Noodles


Chappathi  -  4 nos
Onion sliced  -  1 nos
Carrot julienne  -  1 nos
Cabbages chopped  -  2 tbsp
Beans chopped  -  2 tbsp
Capsicum sliced  -  1/2 capsicum
Green chilli chopped  -  1 nos
Tomato sauce  -  1 tbsp
Soy sauce  -  1/4 tsp
Chilli sauce  -  1/2 tsp
Maggi taste maker  -  1 tbsp


Cut the chappathis into thin noodles (lengthwise).
Heat oil in a pan, add onion and saute well.
Then add all the other veggies and green chilli and saute well.(Do not overcook, retain the crunchiness of veggies)
Then maggi taste maker and mix well.
Check for salt and add as there is already salt in the taste maker.
Then add tomato sauce, soy sauce and chilli sauce and fry for 2 minutes.
Then add the chopped chappatis and mix well.
Serve hot with raitha.

Friday 8 November 2013

Watermelon Sorbet


Watermelon puree  -  2 cups
Sugar  -  1/2 cup
Water  -  1 cup
Lemon juice  -  2 tbsp


In a pan bring sugar and water to boil.
Cook until the sugar is dissolved in water.
Then allow it to cool to room temperature.
Then mix the watermelon puree, sugar syrup and lemon juice.
Pour this into a baking dish and freeze it for about 3-4 hours.
Serve chilled.

Thursday 7 November 2013

Veg Manchow Soup


Chopped ginger  -  1 tsp
Chopped garlic  -  1 tsp
Chopped green chillies  -  1 tsp
Chopped coriander leaves  -  1 tsp
Chopped beans  -  2 tbsp
Chopped carrot  -  2 tbsp
Chopped cabbage  -  2 tbsp
Chopped spring onions  -  2 tbsp
Soya sauce  -  1 tbsp
Tomato sauce  -  1 tbsp
4 tbsp cornflour mixed in 1cup water
Pepper powder
Olive oil


Heat oil in a pan and add chopped ginger, garlic and green chillies.
Saute for about 2 minutes.
Then add all the chopped vegetables, pepper powder and salt.
Stir fry for 2 minutes.
Then add 2 cups water and boil it for 5 minutes n low flame.
Now add soya sauce, tomato sauce and mix well.
Reduce the heat and allow it to boil.
Add cornflour mixed with water and stir well until it thickens slightly.
Garnish with spring onions and serve hot.

Non vegetarians can add cooked chicken pieces along with the vegetables and then use chicken stock instead of water.

Monday 4 November 2013

Dulce De Leche Cake


Maida  -  1 1/2 cup
Dulce de leche  -  1 cup
Powdered sugar  -  1/2 cup
Butter  -  200gms
Eggs  -  2 nos
Baking powder  -  1 tsp
Vanilla essence  -  1 tsp


Mix and sieve maida, baking powder.
Mix butter and powdered sugar until soft.
Then add half of dulce de leche and mix well until everything is combined well.
Then add eggs and beat well along with vanilla essence.
Add the flour mix to it and rest of dulce de leche and mix well.
If the mixture is too hard to mix, then add little milk and mix it.
Then transfer it into a greased cake tin.
Bake in it preheated over at 180C  for 30 mins.

It can also be made in pressure cooker, check how to bake in pressure cooker

Dulce De Leche

Dulce de leche is a confection prepared by slowly heating sweetened condensed milk to form a caramelisation of it.


Sweetened condensed milk  -  1 tin


Empty the can of condensed milk into a pan.
Put it on medium heat and stir continuously.
Keep stirring until you can turn a spoon of it upside down without it falling off.

Thursday 24 October 2013

Avacado Sandwich

Avacado, also called as Alligator pear, is a high fiber, sodium and cholesterol free food that provides nearly 20 essential nutrients. It is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamins A, C, D, E, K and the B vitamins as well as potassium.
Avacado can play a role in weight loss diet if eaten in moderate amount. While in calories at 48 calories per ounce, so you can easily fit into a calorie- reduced eating plan.


Bread or Bun
Avacados chopped  -  2 nos
Tomato chopped  -  1 nos
Garlic crushed  -  1 nos
Lime juice  -  2 tbsp
Pepper powder  -  1/4 tsp
Olive oil  -  1 tsp


Put the chopped avacado in a bowl and mash it well.
Then add chopped tomato, garlic, lime juice, pepper powder, olive oil and salt.
Mix it well.
Spread the avacado mix in between the bread or bun and toast them.
Serve hot.

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Wheat Sprouts Salad

Wheat sprouts are an effective and economic tonic to improve general health. Once eaten, these enzymes acts as catalyst that perform important function in the body, such as to aid metabolism, neutralize toxins, cleanse the blood and many other body functions.
Studies show that sprouts have 3 to 5 times the vitamin content of the seed they sprouted from.
By eating wheat sprouts , we also get the benefit of the wheat germ, a rich source of Vitamin E.
Wheat sprouts are rich in dietary fibre and should be made an integral part of every body's diet.


Sprouted Wheat  -  1 cup
Onion chopped  -  1 nos
Tomato chopped  -  1 nos
Cucumber chopped  -  1 nos
Carrot chopped  -  1 nos
Chopped cilantro  -  1 tbsp
Pepper powder  -  1/2 tsp
Lemon juice  -  1/2 tsp
Olive oil  -  1 tbsp


Wash the wheat sprouts well.
Then add chopped onion, tomato, carrot, cucumber and cilantro and mix well.
Make a salad dressing by whisking up olive oil, lemon juice, pepper powder and salt.
Pour the dressing over the wheat sprouts mixture and mix it well.
Enjoy with any bread toast.

Monday 21 October 2013

Watermelon Green Grape Cooler


Watermelon cubed  -  1 cup
Green grapes  -  1 cup
Cucumber peeled and cubed  -  1 nos
Honey or Sugar  -  according to sweetness


Combine all the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.
Strain if desired.
Serve chilled.

Sunday 20 October 2013

Cream Of Vegetable Soup


Onion chopped  -  2 tbsp
Carrot chopped  -  2 tbsp
Beans chopped  -  2 tbsp
Celery chopped  -  2 tbsp
Parsley chopped  -  1 tsp
Maida  -  1 tbsp
Milk  -  1/2 cup
Pepper powder  -  1/2 tsp


Heat butter in a pan and saute the onion for about 2 minutes.
Then add the chopped vegetables and saute again for 2 minutes.
Add 2 cups of water and cook till the vegetables become soft.
Now mix the maida and milk without any lumps and add to the vegetables.
Add required salt and mix well.
Cook well for at least 2 minutes.
Garnish with chopped parsley.
Serve hot with bread toast.

Saturday 19 October 2013

Couscous With Almonds and Garlic


Couscous  -  1 cup
Almonds chopped  -  2 tbsp
Tomato chopped  -  1 nos
Parsley chopped  -  1 tsp
Onion chopped  -  1 nos
Garlic chopped  -  2 nos
Olive oil  -  1 tsp
Pepper powder  -  1/2 tsp


Cook the couscous in 11/2 cup of water and keep it aside.
Heat a pan with olive oil and toast almonds until golden color.
Then add chopped tomato, onion, parsley and garlic and saute well.
Then add cooked couscous, required salt and pepper powder fluff it with a fork.
Serve hot.

Monday 14 October 2013

Cherupayar/Green Moong Dosa

Green Moong is rich in Vitamin A, B, C and E and also in many minerals including  iron, calcium and potassium. It is a powerful source of vegetarian protein.
It is considered a healthy weight loss food as it is low fat food rich in proteins and fiber. It curbs craving and keeps us full for a long time. It detoxifies the body and benefits the metabolism as well as immune system.
It helps to lower the high cholesterol level in the blood system. Regular intake of Green Moong reduces bad cholesterol and improves the flexibility of arteries and veins.


Cherupayar/ Green Moong  -  1 cup
Green chilly  -  2 nos
Ginger  -  1" piece


Soak the cherupayar/green moong for about 5 hours and wash it well.
Grind the soaked cherupayar/green moong, green chilly, ginger and salt and make a dosa batter out of it.
Then add one pinch asafoetida and mix it well.
And make dosa.
Serve hot with chutney.

NOTE: You can also add some finely chopped onion, coriander leaves in the dosa batter.

Saturday 12 October 2013

Vegetable Kolhapuri


Carrot diced  -  1 nos
Potato diced  -  1 nos
Beans half inch pieces  -  5 nos
Green peas  -  1/4 cup
Ginger garlic paste  -  1 tsp
Grated coconut  -  1/2 cup
Cloves  -  5 nos
Pepper  -  5 nos
Coriander seeds  -  1 tsp
Dry red chillies  -  6 nos
Onion chopped  -  2 nos
Tomato chopped  -  2 nos
Red chilli powder  -  2 tsp
Turmeric powder  -  1/2 tsp
Coriander leaves chopped

Kolhapuri Garam Masala
Fennel seeds  -  1/2 tsp
Cinnamon  -  1" stick
Stone flower  -  1
Cumin seeds  -  1/2 tsp
Bay leaves  -  2 nos
Cardamom  -  2 nos
Pepper  -  7 nos

Grind all the ingredients into fine powder and set aside.


Heat a pan, add water and cook the vegetables.
Heat oil in a kadai  and add grated coconut, cloves, pepper, coriander seeds, red chillies and fry lightly.
Then add one chopped onion  and saute until it turns light brown color.
Cool and grind it into a fine paste adding water.
Heat oil in another kadai and add one chopped onion and saute until it is brown.
Then add ginger garlic paste and saute well until the raw smell goes off.
Then add chopped tomatoes, red chilli powder and turmeric powder, ground masala paste and 1/2 cup water and cook for about 5 minutes.
Then add the boiled vegetables, adjust salt  and simmer for about 5 minutes.
Sprinkle kolhapuri garam masala powder and mix well.
Garnish with coriander leaves.
Serve hot with roti.

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Poha Laddu


Poha/Aval  -  1 cup
Jaggery  -  according to taste
Coconut grated -  3 tbsp


Dry roast poha and coconut together for about 2 minutes.
Put all the ingredients together in a blender and make a coarse mixture. (Can also add chopped nuts and raisins)
Transfer into a bowl  and make small balls.

Sunday 6 October 2013

Bread Puttu


Brown bread  -  4 slices
Grated coconut  -  1/4 cup


Powder the bread slices in a mixer.
Put the bread powder in a bowl  and sprinkle 2 tsp of water and ix well with hands until it becomes damp.
Fill the puttu mould with little grated coconut, then the bread powder and again top it with grated coconut.
Steam cook for about 5 minutes.
Take the mould and and invert it into a plate.
Serve hot with pappadam/ banana/ any curry.

Saturday 5 October 2013

Nasi Minyak Ayam (Malaysian Chicken Biriyani)


Chicken pieces -  1 kg
Basmati rice  -  1/2 kg
Onion chopped  -  2 nos
Garlic chopped  -  5nos
Coriander seeds  -  2 tbsp
Cumin seeds  -  1 tbsp
Fenel seeds  -  3/4 tsp
Chilli powder  -  1/2 tsp
Turmeric powder  -  1/2 tsp
Clove  -  1/4 tsp
Cinnamon  -  1/4 tsp
Cadamom  -  1/4 tsp
Pepper  -  1/4 tsp
Green lime small  -  2 nos
Lemon grass blades  -  2 nos
Lime leaves  -  5 nos

For Chicken:
Make a powder using coriander seeds, cumin seeds, fennel seeds, chilli powder, turmeric powder, clove cinnamon, cardamom and pepper.
Heat a pan with oil and saute onion until golden brown.
Then add garlic and saute for about 5 minutes.
Then add chicken pieces and cook for about 10 minutes.
Add the above powdered masala and salt and stir well, cook until is cooked well.

For Rice:
In a pan, boil sufficient amount of water.
Add green lime, lime leaves and lemon grass stalks and rice.
Cook till rice is parboiled.
Strain the rice and remove the lime, lime leaves and lemon grass stalks from them.
To assemble, layer rice and chicken in a pot and make sure that the rice is at the top.
Seal the pot with aluminium foil and heavy lid on top and cook on low flame for 30 minutes.
After opening the pot, fork it gently  and mix.
Serve hot with raita.

Monday 30 September 2013

Vegetable Soup


Carrot chopped  -  2 tbsp
Cabbage chopped  -  2 tbsp
Onion chopped  -  2 tbsp
Beans chopped  -  2 tbsp
Celery stalks chopped  -  2 tbsp
Capsicum chopped  -  2 tbsp
Coriander leaves chopped  -  2 tbsp
Garlic chopped  -  2 cloves
Pepper powder  -  1/2 tsp
Oregano  -  1/4 tsp
Olive oil


Heat olive oil in a pan and add chopped garlic and onion and saute well.
Then add all the other vegetables and saute well.
Add required amount of water and allow it to come to a boil.
Simmer it for 10 minutes.
Then add required salt, pepper powder and oregano and mix well.
Serve hot with brown bread toast.

Saturday 28 September 2013

Couscous Upma

Couscous is a dish of semolina (granules of durum wheat). It is used as a substitute for rice.
1 cup serving of couscous is only 176 calories.Its a source of thiamine and niacin and an excellent source of antioxidant mineral selenium and it is also fat free.


Couscous   -  2 cups
Onion chopped  -  1 nos
Green chillies chopped  - 2 nos
Carrot chopped  -  2 tbsp
Beans chopped -  2 tbsp
Capsicum chopped  -  2 tbsp
Mustard seeds  -  1 tsp
Channa dal   -  1 tsp
Coriander leaves chopped  -  1 tbsp


Heat oil in a pan and splutter mustard seeds, channa dal.
Then add chopped onion and green chillies and fry till onions becomes transparent.
Then add the vegetables and saute well for about 5 mins.
Add 3 cups of water and salt and allow it to boil.
Then add couscous slowly and mix well.
Cover and cook for about 5 minutes.
Garnish with coriander leaves.
Serve hot.

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Quinoa Dosa


Quinoa  -  2 cups


Soak quinoa for 1 hour.
Blend the quinoa with little water to dosa batter consistency.

Mix it with enough salt and ferment it for about 2-3 hours.
Heat dosa tawa and make dosa.

Serve hot with chutney or sambhar.

Sunday 22 September 2013

Oats Cutlet


Oats  -  1 cup
Onion chopped  -  1 nos
Carrot chopped  -  1 nos
Green chillies chopped  -  2 nos
Potato boiled and mashed  -  2 nos
Coriander leaves chopped  -  1 tbsp
Red chilli powder -  1 tsp
Garam masala  -  1/2 tsp
Chaat masala  -  1/2 tsp


Dry roast the oats and keep it aside.
Heat little oil in a pan, add chopped green chillies, onion and carrot.
Add required salt and saute well.
Then add red chilli powder, garam masala and chaat masala and toss well.
Then add the mashed potatoes and fry for about 5 minutes.
Then add roasted oats and chopped coriander leaves and mix well.
Remove from fire and allow it to cool for some time.
Make it into small ball of equal size and make it round flat shaped cutlets or any of your desired shape.
Heat a pan with 1/2 tsp oil and place the cutlets.
When the bottom turns golden brown, flip to the other side.
Remove when both the sides become golden brown.
Serve hot with tomato sauce.

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Soya Chunks Biriyani


Basmati Rice  -  1 cup
Soya chunks  -  1/4 cup
Onion  -  2 nos
Green chilli  -  2 nos
Ginger garlic paste  -  1 tsp
Coconut milk  -  1/2 cup
Mint leaves  -  1 tbsp
Coriander leaves  -  1 tbsp
Fennel seeds  -  1/2 tsp
Red chilli powder  -  1 tsp
Garam masala  -  1 tsp
Turmeric powder  -  1 pinch
Cinnamon  -  1" piece
Bay leaf  -  1 nos
Cardamom  -2 nos


In a pan, add 2 cups water and when it boils add the soya chunks.
Let it boil for 2 minutes, then drain it and squeeze out extra water from the soya chunks.
Wash the rice and keep it aside.
In a blender add 1 onion chopped, mint leaves, coriander leaves, green chilli, ginger garlic paste and fennel seeds and make a fine paste by adding water.
Heat oil in pressure cooker and then add cinnamon, bay leaf and cardamom, after it splutters, add 1 finely chopped onion.
Saute well until the onions become golden brown.
Then add the ground masala and saute well in medium flame.
Then add the soya chunks and mix well.
Then add red chilli powder, garam masala and turmeric powder and mix well.
Then add rice and fry for a minute.
Add 1/2 cup coconut milk and 1 cup water and add required salt.
Close the pressure cooker and cook till one whistle.
Once the pressure is released mix it up with a spoon.
Serve hot with raitha.

Saturday 14 September 2013

Tomato Dates Pickle

This pickle comes from my mother's kitchen. We used to discuss everyday about new recipes, most of th recipes that I try comes from my mother.
This pickle recipe was given by her and I prepared it for onam sadya.


Ripe tomatoes  -  10 nos
Dates chopped  -  10 nos
Ginger chopped   -  1 tbsp
Chilli powder  -  1 tbsp (as per your tolerance)
Turmeric powder  -  1/2 tsp
Cumin seeds  -  1/2 tsp
Vinegar  - 3 tbsp
Mustard seeds  -  1 tsp
Sesame oil


Place a pot of water to boil.
Drop the tomatoes into the boiling water for bout 10 minutes.
Remove the tomatoes from the water after, you can see the skin begins to peel.
Remove the skin and chop the tomatoes.
Heat little oil in a pan and add the chopped tomatoes.
Add salt and turmeric powder and cook well, so that extra water gets evaporated and tomato turns mushy.
Remove from fire and keep it aside.
In a blender add chopped dates, chopped ginger, cumin seeds and chilli powder.
Make it a paste by adding vinegar. (Do not use water)
In another pan, heat oil and splutter mustard seeds.
Then add the dates ginger paste and saute well, until oil separates from it.
Then add the cooked tomatoes and mix well.
Adjust salt and chilli powder at this stage.
Cook well until oil separates.
Allow it to cool and then store it in an airtight container and store it in fridge.

Friday 13 September 2013

5 Taste Uthappam


Dosa batter
Onion chopped  -  1 nos
Carrot chopped  -  1 nos
Tomato chopped  -  1 nos
Idli-dosa podi  -  1 tbsp
Mint leaves chopped  -  1 tbsp


Heat dosa tawa and grease with oil.
Pour mini uthappams,it should be thick.
Top each uthappam with onion, tomato, carrot, idli-dosa podi and mint leaves. Or top it up your favourite toppings.
Drizzle some oil over the toppings and around the dosa.
Flip to the other side when the bottom turns golden brown and cook for about 2 minutes.
Serve hot with chutney or sambhar.

Thursday 12 September 2013

Spicy Tangy Green Mango Juice


Green Mango (Raw Mango)  -  2 nos
Green chilli  -  1 nos
Ginger  -  1" piece
Sugar  -  As per taste
Water  -  As required


Peel the skin and cut the mangoes.
Put then in a blender along with green chilli, ginger, sugar and water.
Blend it till smooth.
Strain it.
Serve chilled.

Monday 9 September 2013

Dates Kozhukattai

Wanted to make something different for Vinayaga Chathurthi. Instead of making the usual kozhukattai with sesame seeds, I thought of making it with dates.


Dates chopped  - 10 nos
Rice flour  -  2 cup
Grated coconut  -  1/2 cup
Sugar or Jaggery  -  As per sweetness
Salt  -  2 pinch
Oil  -  1 tsp


Boil 2 1/2 cup of water along with oil and salt.
When the water starts boiling, reduce the heat and add rice flour and stir continuously till it becomes a thick dough.
Allow the dough to cool.
Put the chopped dates in pan, add grated coconut and sugar or jaggery as per sweetness.
Mix well, until all the ingredients is combined well.
Take a small ball of dough and shape it into a cup.
Place little of dates mixture in it, cover it and keep it aside.
Arrange the kozhukattai in a greased plate and steam cook for 10 minutes.

Sunday 8 September 2013

Quinoa with Vegetables

Its been a long time that I was thinking to make something out of Quinoa. Not sure what this is called in Malayalam or Tamil, but it is a superstar food.
Quinoa is a good source of protein and complex carbohydrates.Its contains twice the protein of regular cereal grains.It contains no gluten, making it ideal for those with weight loss diets free of gluten.
An ideal food for vegetarians.


Quinoa  -  1 cup
Chopped onion  -  1 nos
Chopped carrot  -  1 nos
Chopped beans  -  1/4 cup
Chopped broccoli  -  1/4 cup
Chopped mint leaves  -  1/4 tsp
Garlic cloves  -  2 nos
Red chilli flakes  -  1/4 tsp
Pepper powder  -  1/4 tsp
Olive oil  -  1 tbsp
Salt  -  to taste


Rinse quinoa well with water.
Cook quinoa in 2 cups of water, cook over reduced heat and simmer until quinoa absorbs all the water.
Heat olive oil in a pan.
Add chopped garlic and onion and saute well.
Then add all the other veggies and chopped mint leaves and fry for about 5 minutes.
Then add salt, red chilli flakes and pepper powder.
Saute until vegetables are tender and golden color.
Then in a bowl mix together the vegetables and quinoa.
Serve hot.

Saturday 7 September 2013

Moong Sprouts Sandwich


Brown bread  -  4 slices
Moong Sprouts  -  1 cup
Chopped onion  -  1 nos
Chopped carrot  -  1 nos
Chopped capsicum  -  1/2 nos
Chopped tomato  -  1 nos
Chilli powder  -  1 tsp
Coriander powder  -  1 tsp
Chaat masala  -  1/2 tsp
Coriander leaves chopped  -  1/2 ts
Salt  -  to taste
Olive oil  -  as required.


Heat a pan with olive oil.
Add chopped onion and saute well till translucent.
Then add all the other veggies and saute well for about 3 minutes.
Then add the moong sprouts and fry for about 2 minutes.
Then add salt, chilli powder, coriander powder and chaat masala and mix well.
Sprinkle little water and cook well till the raw smell of the powders goes off and masala is blended well.
Now take one slice of brown bread and place the moong sprouts masala on top of it.
Close it with another slice.
Toast it.
Serve hot with sauce.

Friday 6 September 2013

Malabar Kaipola (Steamed Plantain Cake)

Kaipola is a tea time snack with main ingredient as banana.This is an authentic Malabar dish which is often served as an evening snack. This is a sweet dish and it is a mixture of ripe bananas and eggs.
This is usually prepared during Ramadan days.


Nendrapazham (Ripe Banana)  -  2 nos
Eggs  -  3nos
Cashew nuts  -  1 tbsp
Almonds  -  1 tbsp
Raisins  -  1 tbsp
Sugar  -  8 tbsp
Cardamom powder  -  1 tsp
Coconut oil  -  as required.


Heat a pan with coconut oil and fry cashew nuts,almonds and raisins till golden brown.Keep it aside
Cut the banana into cubes and fry them in the same oil.
Mix the fried banana and nuts together
Beat the eggs, add sugar and cardamom powder and again until frothy.
Now add the banana and nuts mixture to the beaten eggs and mix well.
Heat a non stick pan and add little coconut oil.
Now add the banana mixture into the pan and close the lid.
Cook for about 10 minutes, flip and then cook again for 5 minutes.
Remove and cut it into pieces.
Serve hot with tea.

Thursday 5 September 2013

Chickpea Sandwich


Bread of your choice  -  4 nos
Cooked chickpea  -  1/2 cup
Chopped onion  -  1 nos
Chopped tomato  -  1 nos
Chopped capsicum  -  1 nos
Lemon juice  -  1 tsp
Pepper powder  -  1/2 tsp
Olive oil  -  1 tsp
Salt  -  to taste


Put the cooked chickpea a bowl and mash it with a spoon.
Add little salt, pepper powder, lemon juice and olive oil to it and mix well.
Then add the chopped onion, tomato and capsicum in it and mix well.
Spread the above chickpea on the bread and toast it.
Serve with any salad or soup.

Sunday 1 September 2013

Vegetable Chappati Roll


Chappathi  -  4 nos
Carrot chopped  -  1 nos
Cabbage chopped  -  1/2 cup
Onion chopped  -  1/2 cup
Capsicum chopped  -  1 nos
Cumin seeds  -  1/2 tsp
Turmeric powder  -  1/4 tsp
Chilli powder  -  1/2 tsp
Coriander powder  -  1/2 tsp
Garam masala  -  1/4 tsp
Chaat masala  -  1/2 tsp
Coriander chopped  -  1 tbsp
Salt  -  to taste


Heat oil in a pan and splutter mustard seeds.
Then add chopped onion and saute well.
Then add all the vegetables and all the powders and salt and saute well.
Fry for 5 minutes  and cover and cook for another 3 minutes.
Add chopped coriander and mix well.
Keep the chappati on a plate and put the stuffing in the middle of the chappati.
Roll them.
Serve hot.

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Chickpeas Salad

Chickpeas are high in fibre and protein and they have low gylcemic index. This can help control your weight keeping you full the whole day.
Including 3/4 cup of chickpeas in your diet every day can help lower bad cholesterol which reduces the risk of heart disease.


Chickpeas cooked  -  1 cup
Carrot chopped  -  1/2 cup
Dates or dried plums chopped  -  1/4 cup (I used dates)
Almonds chopped  -  1 tbsp
Cumin powder  -  1tbsp
Lemon juice  -  2tbsp
Olive oil  -  4 tbsp
Honey  -  1 tbsp
Pepper powder  -  1 tsp
Coriander leaves chopped  -  1 tbsp
Salt  -  to taste.


To make the dressing, in a bowl mix together olive oil, lemon juice, honey, cumin powder, pepper and salt. Keep it aside.
In another bowl combine chopped carrot, chickpeas, chopped dates, coriander leaves and almonds.
Gently toss everything together.
Then add the dressing all over and mix well.
Serve with brown bread toast.

Sunday 25 August 2013

Vegetable Oats Puttu


Oats  -  2 cups
Carrot chopped  -  1/4 cup
Cabbage chopped  -  1/4 cup
Onion chopped  -  1 small
Coriander leaves chopped  -  2 tbsp
Grated coconut  -  as required
Salt  -  to taste


Add the oats in a bowl with required salt and mix well with the hands.
The add chopped carrot, cabbage, onion and coriander leaves and mix well sprinkling 2 tbsp water. (Make sure not to add too much water as water might become sticky).
The mixture should be a crumbled one.
In the puttu kutti (puttu maker) fill in the grated coconut and oats mixture alternately.
Steam until it is done.
Serve hot with pappadams.

Thursday 22 August 2013

Tindli in Tamarind Sauce

I always used to make Tindli fry and that is my husband's one of the favorite side dish. But then i thought that I must make something different with this vegetable,so tried this recipe and it came out really well.


Tindli  -  250gms
Onion sliced  -  1 small
Cumin seeds  -  1 tsp
Tamarind paste  -  1 tbsp
Red chilli powder  -  1 tsp
Turmeric powder  -  1/4 tsp
Garam masala  -  1/2 tsp
Coriander leaves chopped  -  1 tbsp
Salt  -  to taste


Slice the tindli vertical and mix it with sliced onions.
Heat oil in a pan and fry the tindli until it is light coloured.
Then heat little oil in the pan and burst cumin seeds.
Then add tamarind paste and mix well.
Add red chilli powder, turmeric powder, garam masala powder and salt and mix well.
Add 1/2 cup water and allow it to boil well.
Then add the fried tindli and cook for 2 minutes.
Garnish with coriander leaves.
Serve hot with rice / roti.

Monday 19 August 2013

Coriander Wheel Sandwich


Bread slices  -  4 slices
Coriander leaves chopped  -  1 cup
Grated coconut  -  1/4 cup
Roasted peanuts  -  1 tbsp
Garlic cloves  -  2 nos
Ginger  -  1" piece
Green chilli  -  2 nos
Lemon juice  -  1 lemon
Amul lite butter
Salt  -  to taste


Slice the corners of the bread and wrap it in a wet muslin cloth to keep the bread soft and moist for about 30 minutes.
Grind the coriander leaves, grated coconut, peanuts, garlic, ginger, green chilli, lemon juice and salt to make a coarse paste.
Spread some butter onto the bread slices.
Then spread the coriander paste on top the bread slices.
Then gently roll the bread slices.
Then wrap it tightly in a tissue paper and cover both the ends.
Then again roll it into a moist cloth.
Leave it in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
Repeat the same for the rest of the bread slices.
After one hour, slice the rolls like a wheel.
Serve with tomato sauce.

Friday 16 August 2013

Cilantro Pesto Pasta


Pasta  -  1 cup
Cilantro (Coriander)  -  1 cup
Walnuts  -  1 tbsp
Olive oil  -  1 tbsp
Garlic  -  1 clove
Green chilly  -  1 nos
Salt  -  to taste


Pesto Sauce:
Put cilantro, walnuts, olive oil, garlic and green chilly in a blender and blend to a paste.

Pesto Pasta:
Prepare the pasta as per the pakage instructions.
Toss the pasta with the pesto sauce, add salt and mix well.
Serve with vegetable salad.

Dal Vegetable Soup


Toor dal  -  1/2 cup
Tomato  -  1 nos
Onion chopped  -  1 nos
Carrot chopped  -  1 small
Beans chopped  -  few
Garlic chopped  -  2 cloves
Pepper powder  -  1/2 tsp
Salt  -  to taste
Olive oil

Put the dal along with tomato in the cooker upto 3 whistles and allow it to cook.
After it is cooled, put it in a blender and blend well.
Then heat olive oil in a pan and add chopped garlic and saute well.
Then add all the veggies and saute well.
Then add in the blended dal and mix well.
Add pepper powder and salt to taste.
Allow the dal and veggies to boil little.
Serve hot.

Sunday 11 August 2013

Iced Green Tea with Lemon and Ginger

During the days of summer, sipping a a glass of cold iced tea is a heavenly experience.
Studies show that drinking green tea may help fight cancer and heart disease,so savor this iced drink.


Water  -  2 cups
Green tea bag  -  2 nos
Lemon juice  -  from 1 lemon
Honey  -  2 tsp
Crushed ginger  -  1 small piece
Ice  -  few cubes


Boil water and immerse the green tea bags in it for about 5 minutes.
Then remove the tea bags.
Add lemon juice, honey and crushed ginger to it and mix well.
Add few ice cubes or refrigerate it for about half an hour.
Drink and enjoy.

Saturday 10 August 2013

Sprouts Salad

Moong sprouts salad is a very easy as well as healthy salad recipe. Sprouts are nutrition superstars loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and amino acids.


Moong sprouts  -  1 cup
Onion finely chopped  -  1 small
Carrot finely chopped  -  1 small
Cucumber finely chopped  -  1 nos
Lemon juice  -  1 tsp
Pepper powder  -  1/2 tsp
Salt  -  to taste


Once the Moong sprouts are ready rinse them well in water.
Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl.
Refrigerate for half hour.

Servings: 2 persons
Calories: 60 cal

Wednesday 5 June 2013

Indo Chinese Noodles


Noodles  -  1 pkt
Garlic minced  -  1 tsp
Ginger minced  -  1 tsp
Onion diced  -  1 nos
Carrot chopped  -  1 nos
Cabbage chopped  -  1 cup
Capsicum chopped  -  1 nos
Egg  -  1 nos
Pepper powder  -  1/2 tsp
Soy sauce  -  2tbsp
Red chilli sauce  -  to taste
Salt  -  to taste


Cook the noodles as per the packet instructions, drain and rinse in cold water.
Heat oil in a pan on high flame.
Add minced ginger and garlic and saute.
Then add onion and saute well.
Then add carrot and saute well.
Followed by that add cabbage and capsicum.
Toss well and cook for about 1 minute.
Push the veggies to one side of the pan and break one egg and scramble until cooked and then mix it with the veggies.
Then add little salt and pepper powder.
Finally add soy sauce and red chilli sauce and toss well on high flame.
Garnish with spring onions.
Serve hot.

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Mango Lemonade


Mango  -  2 nos
Lemon juice  -  1/4 cup
Sugar  -  2 tbsp
Water  -  2 cups


Peel and puree the mango.
Blend mango puree, lemon juice, sugar and water in a blender.
Serve chilled.

Thursday 30 May 2013

Oats Pakoda


Oats  -  1 cup
Onion chopped  -  1 nos
Green chilli chopped  -  2 nos
Ginger finely chopped  -  1 medium piece
Chopped curry leaves  -  few
Chopped coriander leaves  -  few


Soak the oats with enough water and keep it aside for 30 minutes.
Then after that add chopped onion, green chilli, ginger, curry leaves, coriander leaves and salt and mix well.
Heat oil in a pan, drop spoonfuls of the mixture and deep fry till golden brown and crisp.
Serve hot with tomato ketchup.

Sunday 26 May 2013

Karimeen Shap Roast (Fried Pearlspot Cooked in Spicy Gravy)


Karimeen / Pearl spot  -  3 nos
Onion chopped  -  2 nos
Tomato chopped  -  2 nos
Chilli powder  -  1 tsp
Pepper powder  -  1/2 tsp
Turmeric powder  -  1/4 tsp
Garam masala  -  1 tsp
Green chilli slit  -  2 nos
Ginger chopped  -  1/2 tsp
Garlic chopped  -  1/2 tsp
Curry leaves  -  few
Lemon juice  -  1 tbsp
Salt  -  to taste
Coconut oil


Clean the fish well.
Make a paste out of chilli powder, turmeric powder, pepper powder, salt and lemon juice.
Marinate the fish with this paste and keep it for 1 hour.
Then heat oil in a pan and shallow fry the fish on both the sides.
Now heat coconut oil in a pan.
Then add ginger, garlic, green chilli and curry leaves and fry for a minute.
Then add chopped onion and saute well.
Then add chopped tomatoes and saute well.
Then add little chilli powder and turmeric powder and garam masala, saute well till the raw smell goes off.
Add salt to taste.
Then add the fried fish to the above masala. Cover the fried fish with the masala and cook covered for about 5 minutes.
Serve hot with rice.